A slimming sheath: What is the best model?- cosmopolitan.fr

25/01/2023 By acomputer 664 Views

A slimming sheath: What is the best model?- cosmopolitan.fr

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Par Charlotte Darnige
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La meilleure gaine amincissante est celle dans laquelle vous vous sentez mise en valeur et qui va venir sculpter votre silhouette. Que vous cherchiez une gaine amincissante ventre plat ou une gaine amincissante cuisses, vous êtes au bon endroit. Voici notre sélection des meilleures gaines sculptantes.

Les gaines amincissantes ont beaucoup évolué ces dernières années. Comme leur nom ne l'indique pas, leur objectif n'est pas forcément d'amincir la silhouette mais plutôt de la galber afin de mettre en valeur les atouts de chacune. Avec une gaine, on peut obtenir un effet push-up sur le fessier, affiner les cuisses, marquer la taille...Gaine amincissante : quel est le meilleur modèle ? - Cosmopolitan.fr

The top of slimming sheaths

Shorty, Bermuda or high -waisted panties, the sheath has several facets but only one lens: sublimate all the silhouettes.Whether you want to redraw your curves or galber your buttocks or your thighs, the sculpting sheath is a large ally.As a bonus, it is one of those comfortable lingerie pieces with its stretch and soft fabric.

If you want to sheath your figure in its entirety, you can bet a sculpting combination to slide under a tight dress for example.Buttocks, thighs, belly and chest will be curved and highlighted.

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On the contrary, if you prefer to focus only on your belly, opt for high -waisted pants that will encompass your size to mark it.To redraw your curves at the buttocks and thighs, fall for the sheathing shorty.

Which slimming sheath to choose?

Gaine amincissante : quel est le meilleur modèle ? - Cosmopolitan.fr

If your main focus is your belly, you can try the Playtex sculpting body, which will slide the air from nothing under your outfits and sheath your chest and size.

The followers of sculpting lingerie for buttocks will turn to the shorty or Bermuda for the longer version, with a thick and stretch fabric that will go up the buttocks.This is the case of the Panty Gaining Etam, for example.

Vidéo du jour:

If the trend of apparent lingerie is in full swing, you may not necessarily want to expose your sculpting lingerie in the open.For this, we put on parts of lingerie without seam, second skin effect.In addition to being pleasant to wear, they will also be able to slip incognito under your outfits.In this register, we think in particular of the high waist panties Wacoal.

Amazon slimming sheath, nude sheathing shorty, invisible sheath combination...Scroll under our selection below to find the sheath underwear adapted to your silhouette and your needs.


Sculpting shorty joyyshaper


Dim sheathing panties


A Playtex sculpting body


Etam sheathing shorts


Wacoal sheath high -waist panties


A maidenform sheath skirt


Une combinaison gainante H&M


A miracle sheathing body follows

Miracle Suit
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