Extra-large sliding windows become the norm

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Extra-large sliding windows become the norm

Batirama.com 25/11/20190

20 m2 per leaf: this is the record observed at Batimat 2019 where we see that very large sliding windows are becoming the norm.

As at every Batimat show, the survey was carried out on the largest sliding windows. First discovery, pull-outs with a surface area of ​​more than 12 m² per leaf – i.e. up to 36 m² of glazed surface with three rails all the same – are no longer an exception, nor a niche product imagined by specialist manufacturers. They become the norm. 6 m² is a minimum, 8-9 m² has become common.

Indeed, after having considered for a long time that huge sliding doors did not concern them, the most famous manufacturers, from Schüco to Technal via Heroal and Profils Système, now believe that there is a real market for such large sliding doors. products and all offer new ranges to meet this growing demand.

In its DTA, the Cuzco 712 range of System Profiles 1.5 x 2,250 m (H), i.e. 3,375 m²/leaf. But excluding DTA, it grows up to 1.5 x 3. ©PP

In France, everything goes through the Avis Technique or the DTA

In France, sliding windows can be the subject of an Avis Technique or a DTA (Document Technique d'Application ). At the end of November on the CSTB site, there were 45 valid Atecs or DTAs for sliding windows, 6 for PVC and 39 for aluminium.

Most of the sliding brands on the French market have obtained DTAs. The Hydro group, with the brands SAPA Building Systems, Technal and Wicona comes first with 6 ranges under DTA, followed by Profils Systèmes with 4 ranges under DTA, then by Schüco with 3 ranges under DTA currently valid.

Several exhibitors at the Batimat show also highlighted their DTA and the performance of their ranges of sliding doors, more than their maximum dimensions. The Cuzco 712 range of Profils Systèmes, for example, holds DTA n°6/18*2377_V2, valid until September 30, 2021, for maximum leaf dimensions of 1.5 x 2.250 m (H), i.e. 3.375 m² /leaf, with 4 tracks on the ground and up to 8 sliding leaves, i.e. 27 m².

ATEC and DTA are essential for social housing, and even for public contracts, because they guarantee the insurability of products. This is less the case in the market for large sliding doors: high-end single-family homes and private commercial buildings: offices, hotels, restaurants, cafes, etc. At Batimat, the Cuzco range of Profils Systèmes exceeded its DTA to reach 1.5 x 3 m (H), i.e. 4.5 m² per leaf and up to 36 m² of opening with 4 rails and 8 leaves.

The new K.Line KL-BC sliding door exhibited at Batimat offers maximum dimensions of 1.8 (W) x 2.75 m (H), i.e. 4.95 m² per leaf and 9.9 m² with two leaves. ©PP

K.Line without bimetal effect

Super-large sliding windows become the norm

At Batimat, K.Line insisted on the fact that its sliding doors escaped the bimetal effect. This effect appears with all joinery with thermal break, whatever the material of the profiles: wood, PVC or aluminium. During strong heat or strong sunlight, the external face of the profile, directly exposed to the light, expands more than the internal face, protected by the thermal break.

This difference in expansion can cause occasional deformation of the sliding door, bending of the opening profile which can temporarily make it difficult to open or close the joinery. The new K.Line KL-BC sliding system exhibited at Batimat offers maximum dimensions of 1.8 (W) x 2.75 m (H), i.e. 4.95 m² per leaf and 9.9 m² with two leaves. And its design avoids the famous bimetallic effect.

Technal's panoramic slider reaches a height of up to 4.5 m, a maximum weight of 500 kg per manual leaf and up to 1200 kg for a motorized leaf. It is CR2 in two leaves, A*4 E*9A V*C3, with an acoustic reduction of 37 dB (Ra, Tr) and Uw = 0.91 W/(m².K) with Ug = 0.5.© PP

The WICSLIDE 150 PS from Wicona has 6 to 14 closing points, hidden drainage and hardware and "volume grip" (width of the profiles) ≤ 52 mm. ©PP

1200 kg/leaf at Technal

After having long been among the detractors of huge sliding windows, Technal felt the wind and caught up with its Artyal range: up to 3.5 m height, 3 m in width (10.5 m²) and 1.2 tonnes per motorized leaf, only 500 kg maximum in the event of manual opening, Uw = 0.91 W/m².k with triple glazing at Ug = 0.5 for dimensions 3 x 2.8 m.

Technal's Artyal sliding window is available with 38 mm wide profiles, in 2 or 3 linear tracks or with a postless corner for a maximum of 6 leaves: 63 m².

At Wicona, size doesn't matter, they say. In fact, the company presented the Wicslide 150 PS pull-out, a sliding impact pull-out with maximum dimensions of 2.384 (W) x 2.530 m (H) = 6 m². This slider, on the other hand, has high thermal, acoustic, burglary resistance and sealing performance: Uw = 1.33 for Ug = 1 and Uw = 0.88 W/(m².k) for Ug = 0.5, acoustic Rw = 45 (-2;-5) dB, RC2 violation according to EN 1627 and AEV classification (Air Water Wind according to NF EN 12210) A*4 – E*E1200 – V*C3.

The Schüco sliding ASE 60 is available with 1, 2 or 3 tracks, with 90° corner openings without posts and leaf weights of 200, 300 or 500 kg depending on dimensions and glazing. ©PP

3.5 x 3.2 m² at Schüco

Schüco has unveiled its new sliding ASE 60, with an ultra-flat Design Line barrier-free threshold, sashes of 3.5 x 3.2 or 3 2 x 3.5 m², i.e. 11.3 m². The Design Line central uprights are reduced to 40 mm in width. In the open position, the locks are hidden to give a particularly neat appearance.

The ASE 60 range achieves Uw = 2.2 W/(m².K). But for greater performance in passive buildings, n for example, the ASE 80.HI version goes below Uw = 1 with a triple glazing thickness of up to 60 mm.

ASE 60 pull-outs can be motorized and fitted with TipTronic and TipTronic SimplySmart fittings for assisted control up to total automation.

Reynaers presented its Hi-Finity range: up to 500 kg per non-motorized leaf, up to 750 kg in the case of motorization, i.e. maximum dimensions of 3 (L) x 4 (H) = 12 m² / leaf and therefore 48 m² in 4 leaves. ©PP

The Luxembourgish Keller Minimal Windows reaches 12 m² and a maximum weight of 1 tonne per leaf with its minimal windows 4+ range, a Uw value - = 0.70 W/(m².K) for Ug = 0.50 and central uprights from 26 to 34 mm wide only. ©PP

The Solarlux Cero III range offers maximum dimensions of 6 m in height and 4 m in width, but limits the surface area of ​​each leaf to 15 m². ©PP

15 m² at Solarlux

Among the exhibitors at the show, Solarlux highlighted maximum dimensions of 6 x 4 m for its Cero III sliding range. The maximum area per leaf does not exceed 15 m². The 6 m and 4 m are the maximum dimensions in height and width. But for a width of 4 m, the constraint of 15 m² per leaf limits the height to 3.75 m, for a maximum height of 6 m, the width cannot exceed 2.5 m.

In the Cero III range, the central pillar does not exceed 34 mm in width. The system achieves RC2 anti-infringement rating as standard and RC3 as an option. Carriages, guide rails and rollers are made of stainless steel. Cero has successfully passed a test of 100,000 open/close cycles.

The thermal performance reaches Uw = 0.8 W/(m².K) in triple glazing. Cero is available in 1, 2 or 3 rails and Solarlux offers recessed modules with widths of 71 mm (1 rail), 157 mm (2 rails) or 243 mm (3 rails).

Italian Secco exhibited its ØG (Zero Gravity) magnetic levitation sliding door. It introduces a brand new type of motorization without power supply which is based on permanent magnets with opposite polarity, on the one hand, embedded in the floor, on the other hand Ironlev studs arranged under the sliding door. The magnets push the pull-out away from its rail and make it easy to operate, up to pull-out weights of one tonne. ØG offers maximum dimensions 6 (H) x 3 (W) m, i.e. 18 m². ©PP

Vitrocsa, the ancestor of the minimal window, wins the competition for the largest sliding

The Swiss Vitrocsa, contraction of VITRes Orchidées Construction SA, founded in 1992 by Eric Joray, claims the re-invention of the modern minimal window and the paternity of almost all manufacturers specializing in large sliding systems. Vitrocsa has, in a way, written the breviary of minimal windows: aluminum profiles of 25 microns and 22 mm wide, invisible threshold recessed in the floors with recessed gutter for the evacuation of rainwater, possibility of sliding windows curved (radius of curvature of 3 m), double or triple glazing, brick partition, opening corner without post, etc.

The TH+ range carries double (32 mm or 44 mm) or triple glazing (56 mm) and allows panels of ≥ 19 m² in 6 x 3.21 m = 19.26 m², vertical or horizontal. The maximum possible weight is 1.5 tons. 19.26 m² is impressive. And with three rails, that gives 57.78 m² of glazing. Secco ranks second with 18 m² and Solarlux third with a maximum of 15 m² per leaf.

Compared to its competitors, Vitrocsa adds the sash window, the number of leaves of which depends only on the height of the building. At Batimat, Vitrocsa showcased its TH+ range that can be adapted to classic sliding doors and guillotine sliding doors: rails and frames are recessed, hidden in the floor, walls and ceiling, leaving only the glazed surface visible. ©PP

Source: batirama.com / Pascal Poggi